So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.          Psalm 90:12


Teaching Interest: State-building, Regime transition, Authoritarian Politics, Politics of China, Late-Development, Qualitative Methods, Comparative Historical Analysis

Teaching Philosophy: Teaching is a process of mutual learning and inspiring. I believe passionately teaching what I care about will be inspiring; I remind myself to always stay humble and keep an open heart, believing that I will learn new things from new generations of students. I respect and leave enough leeway for students' original thoughts and autonomy. When I treat students as independent equals and inspire them, they always inspire and surprise me in return. In this way, teaching fosters our intellectual community, where teaching and research mutually enhance each other.


     CPO 4034 Politics of Developing Nations     Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, Spring 2024

TA (with discussion sections): 

     CPO 2001 Introduction to Comparative Politics     Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Spring 2020, Spring 2021 

     INR 2001 International Relations     Fall 2019, Fall 2020, Fall 2021    

For Students Seeking Recommendation letters:

In general, I am happy to support students seeking a variety of chances. For students seeking recommendations, the minimum expectations are:

(1) You contact the instructor three weeks before the deadline.

(2) You have actively participated in my class.

(3) You have maintained good communication with the instructor.

(4) You have received a grade of B+ and above (not an absolute standard but most of the time).

I hope all students succeed. These general expectations are not meant to keep students away. Rather, please understand that instructors need to write honest letters. Therefore, I do not want to write letters that do not make you competitive. 

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