For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.      Jeremiah 29:11


Mentoring Philosophy

A good mentor sees potential in people they may not even realize they possess. The role of a good mentor is to bring out the best in the mentees, encouraging them to live up to their true identity. This occurs when they reach their full potential and use their talents to the fullest. When mentees make mistakes, mentors restore them by showing them both grace and truth rather than shaming and blaming them. A good mentor builds up, not tearing down.

For Students Seeking Recommendation letters:

In general, I am happy to support students seeking a variety of chances. For students seeking recommendations, the minimum expectations are:

(1) You contact the instructor three weeks before the deadline.

(2) You have actively participated in my class.

(3) You have maintained good communication with the instructor.

(4) You have received a grade of B+ and above (not an absolute standard but most of the time).

I hope all students succeed. These general expectations are not meant to keep students away. Rather, please understand that instructors need to write honest letters. Therefore, I do not want to write letters that are not competitive. 

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